Project & Approval Management For Marketing Teams

Automate and manage the creative process from brief to asset, with project planning templates, feature-rich workflow and collaborative tools with online proofing and review. Collate feedback and compare revisions. Manage the resource planning of people, skills, schedules and tasks and prepare for what’s ahead.

Discover Admation

Create Strong Briefs

Create detailed template-driven briefs, define deliverables, assign tasks, deadlines and budgets. Document information in a consistent format every time.

Simplify the workflow

Break down the project into manageable parts with a simple workflow, easy online collaboration and optimal touchpoints. Control it with high process visibility.

Manage Resources

Optimise your resource use with scheduling and task manager templates. Monitor performance with time tracking tools and plan future resources with accuracy.

Our Customers

Project Planning: Provide Detail and Clarity

  • Create clear, detailed project briefs with online templates.
  • Set up templates once and use across other projects.
  • Assemble teams, assign tasks, budgets and deadlines.
  • Include rich detail via Deliverables Manager so teams can deliver on-target.
  • Add external agencies to the project to keep all communication on board.
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Workflow Management: Control the Creative Process

  • Define the workflow by setting permissions, access to task and assets
  • Get a complete view of the schedule with the marketing calendar.
  • Reduce touchpoints by streamlining the review process.
  • Set deadlines and reminders to keep projects on target.
  • View project progress, resources, budgets on personalised dashboards.
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Collaboration: Efficient, Streamlined Teamwork

  • Edit and proof with markup toolkit for quick revision.
  • Compare revisions and collate feedback on a single screen.
  • Version control and audit trails for reference and compliance.
  • Easy batch approval and forwarding for reviewers.
  • Include external agencies in the approval process.
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Resource Planning: Stay Informed

  • Optimise resource use across projects with automated scheduler.
  • Assign and re-assign tasks with ease.
  • Maximise productivity with Task Manager and Time Tracker
  • Plan for skills requirements for future projects.
  • Make, assign and monitor budgets for various projects.
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Marketing Compliance: Tick Every Box

  • Create checklists for projects and approvals.
  • Define roles and permissions to view assets and approvals.
  • Create multi-level and sequenced approval pathways.
  • Automate audit trail for quick and easy reference for compliance
  • Easily access collated feedback and comments.
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Approvals: Mitigate Risk

  • Create a templated approvals checklist.
  • Add reviewers and approvers at the right stage of the workflow.
  • View status, edit approvers, send approval reminders, set deadlines.
  • Use locks and permissions to control access to approval documents.
  • Save time with batch approval and forwarding.
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Reports: Insights at Your Fingertips

  • Gain insights into ongoing projects, approvals, and resource usage.
  • Simplify data interpretation with Dashboard Charts, eliminating spreadsheet complexity.
  • Identify and analyze trends and patterns in current and past data for informed decisions.
  • Improve project management and resource allocation.
  • Enhance efficiency in decision-making.
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Admation – Features

Online Briefs & Templates

Online briefing templates ensure the right information is captured at the start of a creative project. Customise briefs for the business as well as job types.

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Audit Trail

Admation creates an automatic audit trail of work to track how your teams produce artwork. Great for marketing compliance.

Compare Revisions

Review artwork versions side-by-side including all comments and markups. The review and feedback process has never been easier.

Online Proofing Tools

Access a complete set of tools to review, comment and markup artwork and media files including video and html files. Reduce artwork revisions with clearly communicated change requests.

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Approval Checklists

Customised checklists ensures that reviewers complete a series of checks before content can be approved.

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MS Word Approvals

Review, comment, mark up and approve changes to Microsoft Word documents without downloading the document or leaving Admation. Track all comments and change requests on the Change report and Stay compliant.

Assign Tasks

Have full visibility over a resource’s workload before allocating work, then just a few clicks to allocate a task to the right resource

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Marketing Calendar

Keep track of project milestones and deadlines in one visual calendar. Have visibility and control by using filters to search and narrow down your views.

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Timesheets and Time Tracking

Track time spent on tasks and projects. Get more accurate resource estimation and gain valuable insights for future marketing project budgets.

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Custom Reporting

Custom reports and Gantt charts provide greater visibility and control on how projects and approvals are tracking and provide valuable insights into ROI.

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Batch Review and Approval

Streamlining the review and approval process, seamlessly incorporating online proofing tools, and eliminating duplication of tasks.

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Version Control

The software’s user-friendly interface and collaborative features provide unprecedented visibility over feedback and approvals with an automated version control.

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Explore admation’s four integrated modules

Project Management

Harness the power of effective project management.

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Resource Management

Boost your efficiency with admation’s resource management software.

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Approval Workflow

Make your approval workflow easier with admation.

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Asset Management

Manage your most precious assets more securely.

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Bring your teams together with admation

Marketing Teams

The ultimate project management software for Marketing Teams.

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Exceptional campaigns with agency project management software.

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Production Teams

Production teams do it better with admation.

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Legal & Compliance Teams

Failsafe compliance with approval workflow software.

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Operations Teams

Streamline your marketing operations with just one project management tool.

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Retail Teams

Streamline your online retail operations with just one approval workflow tool.

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Frequently asked questions

What is Simple Admation?
Who uses Simple Admation?
What challenges does Simple Admation solve?
What are the benefits of using Simple Admation?